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Book signing at Librería Gigamesh in Barcelona, Spain. |
The first book presentation and signing for my sci-fi/fantasy novel, Dark Legacy: Book I - Trinity, was held at Librería Gigamesh in Barcelona, Spain. The event was organized by my wife as part of a surprise birthday gift. Since launching the book my wife has been encouraging me to get out of my shell and promote it, and the event at Gigamesh was a wonderful way to begin doing so.
So much energy and time went into writing, rewriting, writing, rewriting, editing, reediting, and editing the book that once a final draft was complete, the book cover design finished, and the website (http://www.thelegacycycle.com) up and running, came the question . . . "well, now what?" I hadn't put much thought into the promotion of the book beyond what can be done via online networking sites. Promoting in the "real" world as opposed to the "virtual" world was not something I had put much thought into. Perhaps I had been avoiding the idea. To be honest I felt uncomfortable going out there to promote (essentially become a salesperson) for my art. Most artists I believe are shy about promoting (to sell) their very personal works, and my book is, in many senses, a very personal story.
But, my wife was there by my side pushing me to do what an unknown writer must ultimately do. To get out there and share with the world their art.
The event at Gigamesh was a safe and comfortable way for me to get my feet wet. Many friends, students, fellow teachers, and family were there to support me. What made the event unforgettable was seeing my father walk into the bookstore unannounced; he had flown in all the way from Chicago as a surprise. And what a fantastic surprise it was for me to see my father, to have his support, and to share this moment with him. My father is, in a word, amazing!
A friend of mine video-taped the presentation with her iPhone and so I have been fiddling with iMovie to prepare the video recording of the event on this site as well as on the other Legacy Cycle sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Perhaps in a week or so I will upload the presentation . . . so stay tuned.
With magic,